Spring // Wellness // Seasonal // Detox // Outdoors
Organic // Vegan // Ethically sourced
Spring is the time of year when things get moving again. We're no longer burying ourselves under blankets & bon bons for our winter slumber.
Similarly, nature is no longer hibernating under blankets of snow while stockpiling energy for the impending growth spurt...
For this reason, spring is the best time to support your detox organs and get that stagnant energy moving. The liver & muscles will need special attention during this time, to support healthy movement & elimination. Your skin will go from needing extra moisture from winter dryness, to extra healing from its increase in activity.
The Spring Collection is a bundle of the best herbal and holistic practices for nourishing and toning the body's major elimination organs: the liver, skin, kidneys, lungs, & colon.
The liver filters the blood, either destroying toxic molecules we've absorbed through our food and environment, or converting them into particles that can be removed from the body by the kidneys, colon, lungs, & skin.
Symptoms of a sluggish elimination system often include lack of energy, acne, indigestion, headaches, constipation, poor sleep, muscle stiffness or cramping, poor blood clotting, & more.
It is important to remember that no organ works alone in daily detoxification of our bodies. The liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and colon all need strengthening and support. You can tone the liver all you want but if the increased amount of filtered toxins have no way to exit the body then they keep cycling through the blood and tissues, causing even more damage!
The Air element is associated with Spring and the astrological signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius